by Crystal | Jan 26, 2020 | Atlantic Crossing, Motor Yacht Colette, Travel
ATLANTIC CROSSING PART 2 Here is the second half of my Atlantic Crossing daily journal… Also, check out our YouTube video of the crossing! Monday, Dec 9 – I made French toast for breakfast, and then we called our niece Beka on the satellite phone to wish her a...
by Crystal | Jan 6, 2020 | Atlantic Crossing, Motor Yacht Colette, Travel
Preparing for the Atlantic Crossing was a bit overwhelming and tedious. We were unexpectedly in Las Palmas for nearly 4 weeks due to engine troubleshooting. We joined the ARC+ (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) to cross the ocean -with a stop in Cape Verde – then...
by Crystal | Nov 24, 2019 | About Us, Motor Yacht Colette, Travel
Hi! This is Brett here – I’ve journaled the first month of our adventure and wanted to share my thoughts! October 8, 2019- It was surreal when the time came to leave. Feelings were mixed. Mostly excitement for the memories that we imagine making, missing...
by Crystal | Nov 4, 2019 | Motor Yacht Colette
Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night! Wherever you are in this big beautiful world, and whatever time it happens to be, thank you for taking a moment to read our blog and follow along on our adventure! In this post, I want to take some time and introduce you to...